Burger King Pancakes & Sausage Platter

Burger King Pancakes & Sausage PlatterA classic breakfast staple.
Fresh from the kitchen, Pancakes & Sausage Platter is served with three fluffy pancakes drizzled in sweet syrup and a side of savory sizzling sausage.


Butter Blend, Sausage, Breakfast Syrup, Pancake.

Allergen Info

Egg, Milk, Soy, Wheat.

Pancakes & Sausage Platter Nutrition Info



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  1. Millie

    This does not give the total ingredients list and I am deathly allergic to sulphites which are in lemon juice concentrate, wines (in sausage) and used as a preservative
    ReplyNovember 20, 2016 20:41 pm
    1. Amber Fox

      I totally agree!! Where are the ingredients? I too am allergic to sulphide! May I ask what your reaction is?
      ReplyDecember 14, 2016 02:48 am

    Leave a comment Amber Fox | Cancel reply

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