Garden Grilled Chicken Salad is a crisp bed of iceberg lettuce, juicy-ripened tomatoes, home-style herb croutons, and shredded cheddar cheese.
Allergen Info
Milk, Soy, Wheat.
Garden Grilled Chicken Salad Nutrition Info
Calories | 320 | Sugar | 4g | Trans Fat | 0g |
Protein | 36g | Fat | 14g | Cholesterol | 115mg |
Carbohydrates | 16g | Saturated Fat | 6g | Sodium | 650mg |
Calories | 450 | Sugar | 6g | Trans Fat | 0g |
Protein | 29g | Fat | 24g | Cholesterol | 85mg |
Carbohydrates | 30g | Saturated Fat | 7g | Sodium | 1070mg |
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