FDA Regulations on Fast Food

Fast FoodThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is among the primary federal agencies responsible for developing public health regulations. One of the agency's duties is to protect the nation's food supply. With thousands of fast food restaurants serving millions of customers each day around the country, the FDA works to ensure the safety of the food in both major franchise stores and small fast food establishments.

Food Handling

Every year, food-borne illnesses strike thousands of Americans. As a preventative measure, the FDA requires that fast food workers complete a food handling course. The course educates the workers on how to spot the major causes of food-borne illnesses, such as salmonella and E. coli. Restaurant owners must make sure that workers wash their hands before handling food, separate different types of food to avoid cross-contamination, cook all foods at the required temperatures and refrigerate leftover portions immediately.


The FDA's emphasis on food safety does not stop with the food itself. During preparation, the food may come into contact with surfaces that had previously been in contact with contaminated items. Workers must prevent cross-contamination in the unprepared food. The FDA states that food preparation surfaces must also undergo a routine cleaning. Fast food restaurants should make sure that the surface is thoroughly rinsed to remove any residue from used cleaning fluids.

Food Storage

Several environmental factors in food storage areas can cause spoilage, such as temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. For instance, a storage area in a fast food restaurant can be exposed to high humidity, which will increase the chances of bacteria growing on eggs stored in that room. An FDA rule states that eggs should be dried and chilled at temperatures below 45 degrees F to prevent the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis bacteria.


With growing concerns about the spread of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, the FDA has instituted rules that fast food restaurants must display the nutritional information on its products. Owners of single-store fast food establishments should post the nutritional information where customers can easily access it, such as on a menu or poster, as well as on the store's website. The information must include total calories, calories from fat, sodium levels and other nutritional data similar to those found on foods in grocery stores.
Source: smallbusiness.chron.com

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