A New Year, Fast Food and You

burger and friesDriving thru? OSU can help with what’s healthy for you! It’s not the healthiest food, but when time is limited, it might be the only choice: fast food. Even though you are finished with holiday shopping and all those extra errands in the car, there will be occasions where eating on the go is a must. For families with children involved in multiple sports, it seems like the only way to eat at times. This new year, make it a priority to choose the healthiest foods when you do order at the drive thru. It’s important to watch the fat and extra calories before you order. For example, did you know that at one drive thru chicken restaurant, a fried chicken breast has almost 600 calories?

To help make your drive thru choices easier, Oklahoma State University Medical Center offers a free book titled, “Just because it’s fast food, doesn’t mean it has to be FAT food.” This book offers the nutritional information provided from many, many local drive thru restaurants. From Arby’s to Wendy’s this book provides the fat, cholesterol and calories of many menu items.


“The choice to watch what you eat is a choice that will improve your life and especially your health,” said Dr. Gary L. Badzinski, cardiologist at OSU Medical Center. According to the American Heart Association, a healthy diet is one of the best weapons available to fight cardiovascular disease. The food and the amount intake can affect controllable risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and overweight. The AHA encourages you to make the choice to eat foods low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

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